Am I allowed to show films in my online lessons? Which photos can I use? And what about the legal framework?
Copyright is essential for educators and students. Moreover, it doesn't have to be as tricky as you imagine. We cannot provide legal information, but we would like to raise awareness of the topic. Right here we outline an arrangement of relevant topics of copyright and other neighbouring matters such as fair use, open online resources, creative commons or data protection.
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Covid Lesson
First at all, we recommend to read the following debate by Teresa Hackett, Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager. This is a link about the use of copyright protected material as education moves off-campus and online

International Copyright
This webpage offers you an overview of the international copyright laws, e.g., available resources from copyright organizations and copyright regulations in Europe.

Questions and Answers - New EU Copyright
What is copyright? Who owns Copyright? These and many more questions about copyright regulations in Europe are answered here.

Copyright Law in the EU
So what are the copyright rules in your country? Take a look in the EU member list to be sure your country is covered.

How to avoid copyright violations and sentence?
find out here:

Beginner’s Guide to Using Copyright Image
In this Beginners Guide you get an insight into the us- age rights of images in various countries:

Seven Interesting Facts You Can Use When Teaching Copyright
For a classroom home with artists, designers, musi- cians, or writers, this link collects some interesting copyright facts for your students.

OPEN educational RESOURCES
Open educational resources are a public digital library of free resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve your curriculum.

Intellectual Property Teaching Kit
So what are the copyright rules in your country? Take a look in the EU member list to be sure your country is covered.

Data Protection First And E-learning Second
For more insights in data protection, read this paper from the e-conference on “Data protection Issues and Covid-19”, combining online learning and data protection.

Legal Issues Surrounding Student Mobile Use at University or College
Your students, mobile devices, law and liability. How do you know who is responsible for what? In this guide you will find more Informations aboutthe consequences and the necessary steps that you can take to mitigate the risks that can be inherent in the use of online devices.

Europe’s Platform for Cyber Aware C-Suite Excutives
Cyber Security Europe is an executive level communications programme and magazines aimed at senior executives in government and business.

Data Protection in the European Union
Finally, let’s talk about data protection in the European Union. Find out how updates to data protection rules will affect you individually, or apply to your teacher life.